About this Blog

My website is my official on-line gallery presenting my work to the world.

So what’s this blog about?  What IS this blog about?  Well, let’s see…….

This is a way for me to link up with other artists about the trials and tribulations (and joys!) of being an artist.

This is a way for me to keep my feet to the fire and continue producing more art.  I’ve committed to completing two presentable pieces a week, and this is where I have to prove it.  (Not quite DailyPainters status, but you gotta start somewhere.)

This is a way for family, friends, and fans to keep up with what I’m doing.

This is a way to peek at my new work, so when it goes on my website, it can have “(sold)” after it.  (i.e. meaning it has already gone off to someone who saw it on the blog)

This is a way for me to blabber on about whatever is on my mind.

I encourage and welcome all types of responses on any of the posts.

1 Response to About this Blog

  1. Melinda Byrd says:

    I just discovered you today, and I must say looking at your work inspires me to paint more. While I work as an artist, sometimes I miss the joys of painting the moment–as you do–for the daily art business routine. Looking forward to following your joyful art.

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